The Bandersnatch Classics

Classic stories curated and created by a trusted hand.

You’ve seen them.

Those favorite old novels, by long-gone authors, popping up on Amazon for mere pennies. What a deal, right? But then you order one—and it shows up at your house, badly printed, with a clip-art cover, and typos throughout.

What if there was a way to make sure you’re getting a quality edition of the book you love at an affordable price?

Become a Patron

Introducing Bandersnatch Classics

Over the next several years, we plan to release a set of classic books: carefully curated, lovingly crafted, and beautifully produced. Alongside old and new favorite classics, you’ll find the voices of trusted friends telling you about their love of the story.

The first title on our list is one we deeply love: Understood Betsy by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. This 1916 novel tells the story of Elizabeth Ann, a nine-year-old orphan who has had a sheltered life in the city, raised by her father’s aunt and cousin. When they must travel for health and cannot take Elizabeth Ann with them, she is sent to live with “the Putney cousins” in Vermont—which Aunt Harriet would have you believe is a fate worse than death. It’s Elizabeth Ann’s adventures in her new life that point to the book’s title, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

We hope to release the Bandersnatch Classics edition of Understood Betsy in 2022. In addition to a book design and custom drop caps by John D. Neiner, Understood Betsy will have an introduction written by Randall Goodgame of Slugs & Bugs.

If you’d like to keep up with the Bandernatch Classics project, whether you’re ready to dive in as a patron or not, we’d love to share the story with you. Please sign up for emails at the link below (even if you’re already on our email list!) and select “Bandersnatch Classics” from the interest areas list.

We need your help.

To make Bandersnatch Classics a reality, we need your help. There are costs to making books, especially when you want to do it well. As a fledgling company, most of our income from book sales goes toward supporting our authors and getting the work of new authors out into the world.

So we’ve launched the Classics Patronage Program. Patrons will be part of the Bandersnatch Team, and will have their names listed in the Classics Set. Your patronage is a gift (not tax-deductible). Patronage is a one time gift, and is support of the whole Bandersnatch Classics project, and not the purchase of a book.